Lakeland Dippers (further afield)

Scolt Head Island

My friend arrived from Cumbria late last night after work. We went to look at the exceptionally high tide first thing this morning and then came back for some breakfast. Then we walked to Brancaster Staithe and picked up some kiln smoked salmon fillets for supper from Phil’s on the way back.
Once the tide had gone down we drove to Burnham Norton and slip slided our way across the marsh, creeks and sands to Scolt Head. We crossed over to the sea side and plunged in for a play in the wind-whipped agitated waters and then sought refuge in the leaward side of the island for a sit down and rest before heading back. From here we could see a very busy looking Overy Staithe but thankfully very few venture out here.
Once back we cleared and tidied a room out before settling down to our fish supper.

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