
I never cease to be amazed at the living things that call the DogPark home! I've been hearing the Annual Cicadas almost every morning as I enter the Park. And I've been seeing their abandoned exoskeletons clinging to the Pine Tree trunks. And this morning I was so very fortunate (lucky) to actually find one beginning to emerge from it's exoskeleton. During the next hour or so I took photos of it, thank goodness that I brought my camera today otherwise I would have had to use my iPhone. Not bad in a pinch but... At first I thought maybe it was not alive, but then I saw it move just slightly! 
This is an Annual Cicada. They emerge once a year, all basically at the same time, over a few days. There are also Periodic Cicadas which come out to play every 17 years or so. Even if you aren't a 'bug-person', I hope that you will enjoy and appreciate this miracle of life. :)

'The real you will never emerge without courage.'
__Richie Morton

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