
By Juli


Back to work today and had a wonderful day.

First thing this morning, I sorted out some resources I've been working on then I sat in on the dress rehearsal of 'Sweet Charity', which some of the students are performing in tonight. It was amazing seeing such talent emanating from students I'm only used to seeing sitting behind desks.

After lunch I helped out with an orienteering session in the local park, where the students had to use GPS devices to find bags of sweets. It was freezing cold and very muddy but it was certainly fun! This was an 'enrichment activity', where students get a chance to enhance their learning of subjects with extra, fun sessions throughout the year. I got in a bit of a muddle as I got lost when I was hiding the bags... of course, I didn't tell the students that, ha, ha! A geography teacher with no sense of direction is not good!

I'm going to be leading a lot more lessons after half term and have a couple to prepare from scratch so I'm really looking forward to that. I can't tell you how happy I am to know that the 'team' have such faith in me. With two courses on the go and two kids even more on the go, it's all getting very busy here!

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