
By Juli

Fred the Snowman.

I don't think I've mentioned it but for over a week I've had the most horrendous cold. Not sure if it's flu - everything aches, my head and eyes hurt, my nose looks like it's been scrubbed with a Brillo pad, I sound like a sealion and my legs feel like jelly. I'll skip the bit about not being able to keep any food down!

I thought that at least if the school stayed open last week during the snow I'd have the chance to get better (and get my assignment done!) before the kids broke up for half term but it just got worse.

We'd planned to see friends today and I didn't want to let the kids down so off we went and had a lovely day - it certainly helped having someone else cooking lunch for me and making me tea!

The weather's definitely a lot milder and their snowman (called 'Fred') made me laugh as, like me, he's obviously not giving in either!

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