The heart of Louie's Home

This heart belongs to Louie's Mommy and Daddy and it hangs on their side gate at their house.  Louie's home.  We don't know if Louie will come home. We don't know when he wlll come home.  He is not a well little boy as significant brain damage has been identified.  

A Heart of Love is full of many little bits all of which hang together around a core of love.  You can see the little bits all clinging on to one another, supporting each other, and in the centre there is all the love which builds the heart up. But sometimes little blemishes creep in and the love and the heart finds if difficult to sustain itself and there is pain and upset and sadness and the need for so much more love to cling to and feed on.

We don't know what is going to happen but we all know that Louie has been sent to us to look after.  And that is what we will all do in the very best way we can.  He is our little warrior, surrounded by love, held in our hearts.

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