
By Hillyblips


Blue tit families are constantly around and up for getting that bit closer to get that bit more; not quite as skittish as as the other birds in that they know I'm there and don't care, whereas the others see the slightest movement and there're off. Maybe it's also because after flying into the windows or getting trapped in unusual places inside the office and house we did rescue quite a few of them last summer.

It's 2°C outside, has been snowing but drizzling miserably now. One of the first things I did this morning was to top up the bird feeders as there was a queue a mile long waiting in the shrubs and bushes for more food. Had I been charging for it I would be a millionaire by now!

The house is freezing made even more cold by the fact I needed a blip: Conservatory doors open the width of a camera lens, layers on, shivering - unlike No1 daughter sitting 'ipadding' with her fetching bobble hat firmly plonked on.... in front of a gas fire!

On the marmalade front - the second batch is perfection after the debacle the other day!

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