Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

An opal birthstone...

...ring that was my mum's, for Tiny Tuesday today...
My sister bought it for her when my nephew Richard was born, and I'm not quite sure how I ended up with it! I think it's meant to be unlucky to wear opals if it isn't your birthstone, so I've just put it to one side and forgotten about it ;) 

Off to badminton this evening, in the absence of any news to the contrary - hope there's a good turn out again!

CORONA CLASSICS -  a Boston link for Dolly, as it should have been the Boston Marathon yesterday - The Boston Symphony Orchestra Celebrates the Red Sox’ World Series Win 2018

And from me Schubert (Perenyi, Schiff) - Sonata en a minor Arpeggione D821.avi

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