Being 48

A 7.30am run by the river is really not what I usually do on my birthday but needs must as Tracey and I entered week 4 of the couch to 5k...or what we like to call,
The Bast***d Week. Jings min, that was a bit of an ask with a few uphill slopes included..

Back home for 9am start on the study weekend, second year of distance learning MSc has begun..what will be, will be. Lunchtime pitstop to get presents, perfume (asked for), fitbit ( lovely surprise).

There's only so much drones, laser scanning of fields and farming doom n gloom for wildlife a girl can take so tools down at 4pm for sweet treats and a visit from Mum and Dad. Eat from the Green meal for two for our double birthdays, scoffed by all four of us, then i danced till the cows come home, fuelled by a bottle of wine.

Twas a busy but lovely birthday.

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