Low Key B Day

A quiet, booze, kiss and hug free birthday but that's just fine given all the steer about at the moment and it was a worky shmorky day first and foremost and well, everyone is just so very worn out and tired at the moment. I did give out a hug to someone who really needed it, I put the first fire of the winter on which always warms the soul and we had an avengers double bill sofa movie session in the evening with Chinese takeaway. Stuffed. A wee visit from Pat and a catch up with Cheryl and Tess after work and I was also lucky on the present front with APA box office vouchers, white stuff vouchers, local NE gin and some drinking glasses, respectively from Mum, Dave, my sister and Dave's mum, the latter, shared with Dave as he's the birthday boy on Sunday, so for three days only, we're the same age.....then the universe rights itself again.

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