By lizzie_birkett

The Boat Garden...

...was rather overgrown and weedy but now it's all neat and tidy! I've spent the whole day sorting it out - chopping bushy plants back, pulling out loads of thistles and digging out rogue plants that had taken over.
It's been lovely and sunny and not too cold.
While I was working out there I saw a mink come out of the water at the front of the boat, he went across the gravel path, up over our garden and into the field. I'd never seen one before but I remember last year seeing crayfish remains along our path.

The 19 year anniversary of Twin Towers and I can't help but think of it like everyone else but it is also my son Marc's 42nd Birthday. We had planned to go up to Airdrie so I could see him and also stay a few days at Sabrina's but now the grand children are back at school or Sabrina was worried about us putting ourselves at risk and so were we.
Now Nicola Sturgeon has said no families can meet in houses. Heaven knows when we'll see them, now the R is above 1.

We're still hoping that the ice rinks will open as planned so wee Amelia and her figure skating club can get back to training.

Knitting and telly this evening.

Do all you can to stay safe. The spread is real - you really do not know who is infected and spreading it.

;-/ X

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