Labor Day

I used to appreciate Labor Day in recognition of all labor rights won, through great suffering and fighting, including the weekend and some safety laws. Today it is the anniversary of my bicycle accident six years ago. 

I am not fully recovered but I've made tremendous progress. If anyone you love is ever told that where they'll be 1.5 to 2 years later is where they'll stay, let me comfort you by stating, unequivocally, that it is not true. Each year I've been more recovered than the last. 

I began on blip as Energia Renovar, energy to renew. I eventually felt renewed and now am Energia. 

A lot of this progress has been on display on blip. When I first began I often had trouble holding the camera steady. Mambo gave me words of encouragement and kindness even back then. 

(This morning I woke up ~ 4:30 am and wouldn't you know, she sent me a message around 4:35 am telling me to rest because I was probably full of nervous energy! )

Thank you Black Tulip for hosting. 

To you all, I very much appreciate your comments, stars, and hearts and the terrific community you have created and allowed me to join. Thank you. 


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