Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Ye Olde Pub?

A London Walk this morning. We've been on a few of them over the years and they're always great. We did the Westminster Abbey walk, which included a small discount on the cost of entry. With our fees, I feel we have single-handedly contributed enough to upkeep the roof for another year.

The chap was very good. He had a few wee cheeky digs at the only Scottish person in the group (moi). It was great to have him show us around and tell us all the stories, some of which were true. What an amazing place! We were there for two hours, and I didn't whinge about needing to sit down once!

Wandering back to the hotel, we went into every lovely looking Olde English Pub, of which there are many. Most of them we walked straight back out, because there was screechy muzak on!! Usually of the screechy variety. I gave up in the end. There MUST be some genuine old pubs with no muzak. I shall make it my mission.

After a rest, we set off again to the river. The rest back at the hotel was really so that I could get my tripod. I did NOT want to be out in the dark and not have it with me.

We walked down to Vauxhall Bridge, and along the south side of the river. In the mizzle. Opposite Parliament was a whole line of people with big tripods and even bigger cameras. I think it was a Camera Club outing. Or else they were all blippers!

So today's blip is Westminster Abbey. I'd give you a few interesting facts that I heard on the talk, but I've forgotten them all...

Tower tomorrow!

PS I'm not able to keep up with commenting, sorry!

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