
By Ferjen

Work and worry

This is my desk at work. I have wanted to take a photo of the so called covid secure measures since going back but didn't want to take photos while others were in. I got in first today so took this.

It was a difficult day at work but not for client reasons. A colleague came in coughing. She said not to be alarmed because it was just her asthma but she doesnt usually cough. She sits diagonally opposite me. She was coughing every few minutes all morning and it was starting to stress me out. My instinct was to be polite and not say anything but by lunch time I had enough and asked if she was OK and did she think she should have a test. There was a bit of banter with other colleagues about it and I ended up getting cross and saying I didnt think it was funny and I didn't want to risk getting sick. My boss then called her aside and told get to go home and get tested. She wasn't happy and packed her stuff and walked out without saying a word. I hate any form of confrontation and I am sure I could have dealt with this situation better, but I am also cross with her for coming into the office with a new cough. I hope it is just asthma, it probably is, but I think she has a duty to get a test and not risk us too. I hope it wont be too awkward when she gets back to office.

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