
I hope not another month of waiting. It is only in the last couple of years that I have enjoyed September, a legacy of returning to the English school system I suspect, and all the negative connotations. Here in Glasgow I am looking forward to the next three months when our living space will be lighter as the trees lose their leaves and we will be able to see the dog walkers in the park and the roof of the soon to be complete Burrell Collection. I will blip this view at the start of each new month, at roughly same time - just before sunset.
I earned my research fee today, that and a visit to the gym meant by 2.30pm my temperature had been taken three times and on each occasion was 36.1 - isn’t that a bit low? Perhaps like blood pressure (also low) that is a good thing.
I wrote an hour or so before the FM announced an escalation of the LD in Glasgow and two neighbouring local authority areas. Sound and courageous leadership from a government that is following an elimination strategy. Incredulous that this has been construed so inaccurately, the source of the recent case locally has almost exclusively been in a household context which is why I continue to feel safe about all those other places that are assiduously following social distance guidelines - restaurants, hairdressers and gyms - the latter two I am visiting tomorrow. What is there not to understand. Notwithstanding another month (hopefully less) of waiting.

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