Back at it

It was a little bit of a shock to have to put gloves on for the cycle into work this morning. Once I’d got over the fact that it’s now autumn, I had a delightful potter into town, on quiet roads as the schools haven’t started back yet. The Quarry is delightful in any season and so I did have a moment of pure joy cycling through it this morning.

Despite how I was feeling about going back, it’s been an amazing day. It’s good to have a proper routine and it was so nice to see my team again. The time whizzed by. I had to run an errand at lunchtime and it was nice to see town bustling in the sunshine. It’s good to be back.

Lovey to come home and still have light at the end of the day, enough for an evening stroll with Grace and a quick mow of the lawn.

I am grateful to have a job that I love.

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