Farewell Furlough

It was hard not to feel melancholic this morning on my last day of furlough. It seems that the longer you have off work, the harder it is to go back.

We did a final bumble around the Cotswolds this morning, walking from Cranham to Sheepscombe and back on a circular route. So much better than yesterday, partly because these villages were much less crowded but also because the scenery was a little bit more diverse and interesting.

Knowing it was a busy bank holiday, I wasn’t confident of finding anywhere to eat but we found a little village pub and had a final, unexpected Eat Out to Help Out meal. Non of the staff seemed to be above the age of 15 but the food and the beer were top notch.

I dropped Rob off at the station, instructing him to buy a new pair of shorts.

And so it ends. Obviously, the reasons for furlough have been far from ideal but it’s been an incredible gift of time that I’m extremely grateful for. We haven’t been together in the office now for five months and so I’m definitely feeling that back to school mix of emotions. I’ve even packed my bag.

A lovely way end a lovely time of furlough.

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