A Real Emergency Blip

We had a very enjoyable round of golf in pretty much perfect conditions this morning, with all three of us playing pretty much to handicap. As retired former teachers, it was made all the more enjoyable for being the first day of a new school year!

There was some very nice early morning light on the opening holes and fluffy white clouds by the end of the round, so the camera was in regular use.

We're off to the Peak District tomorrow then on to Northumberland for a week, so this afternoon was spent in sorting out clothes for packing and other such preparations, one of which was formatting the memory cards on the cameras which were pretty much full. As soon as I'd done it, I realised I'd wiped the photos I'd taken today, so I had to nip out inthe garden for an emergency flower blip.

At least you've been spared another golf blip.

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