
By LifeLines

Rough and Tumble

The end of the working week and quite a relief to get here.  I've been covering for my boss these past few weeks and its been a mix of enjoyable challenge, some stress and intense working.  Its been two weeks where there has been the occurrence of several situations which on their own would be stressful and quite unusual.  But, it could be much worse and  I have gained some fresh perspective (always good to get into someone else's shoes - in as much as you can - from time to time).

One of the benefits of working from home is that I get to see more of Merlin.  It seems he has a little routine when he gets back from his morning walk with Andy, which is to raid his toy box and bring out some things to play with - we are expected to join in as well!  Today it was the sock with a ball in it which took his fancy.  He seems to particularly like swinging it around so the ball hits him!  A bit of rough and tumble playing I suppose.

Anyway, I hope your weekend has come upon as you wish it to and that this finds you well and happy.  Take care.

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