
By Sonset25


Yesterday had last dog walk with friend and hairdresser Jonathan, his sister Andrea,  Laki, Jonathan's husband and Herb, Norwich terrier.  The past year been a difficult time for J and L's salon business. High college rent for an Independent business -  just up the road is The Ivy - meant they had to sell their business and become employed instead of employers.  Then covid19 hit and employees were limited after lockdown and the prospect of Brexit just made living here untenable so they opted for living in Greece, Laki's natal country where A can work remotely for a local publishing company, fulfilling employment status and J as L's spouse can enter without difficulty.  

It was always a delight to dog walk and converse with any of them about a various topics other than small talk on canines.

They're the second friends to leave the city and country. A former colleague and friend moved to Scotland earlier this month.

Met up with my longtime friend Anna for coffee in All Saints garden. Extra - Coffee Bug.  It is good to chat and we chatted about programmes we're watching on catch as neither of us felt ready for the cinema as yet.  
Conversation yielded what to buy for Anna's Birthday next week.   We buy each other books and good chocolate for birthdays.

In the evening watched a stimulating online talk by Elif Shafak courtesy of Cambridge Literary festival. 

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