
Mucho humidity at the moment. Afosa in Italian. Close, sticky, unbearable sweaty.

But this morning temp was at 18 with a pleasant breeze. Coffee under the arbor at a social distanced interval.

Delicious pesto lasagna from the village later for lunch. Temp pegged by partial cloud cover. Sautéed carrots and peppers. Crostata di more. A splash of Vin Santo to appease the gods.

More apple rings drying after the crop depredation by over-zealous hornetage. Pears suffered too and from drought. However carrots looked well when I dug them up. Some lower root damage but no fly.
There’s a kohl rabi the size of a football in the back patch.

The summer season closing. A sense of relief at the heat being about to be kicked out by much cooler weather. For a bit at least.

More apples, chickpeas, borlottis and potatoes to harvest. Even a few figs finally ripening. And the walnut trees look promising. Nature’s varied bounty.

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