Cuppa With Friends

A lovely sunny day, until it clouded over in the late afternoon.  A shower passed over this evening. 

Another day working in the museum.  It's been a steady day of visitors, but not overly busy.  Finished work, and now off on holiday for just over a week, it's needed.  Friends along for a cuppa this evening. 

Tam (Bardell) and Ruth are visiting home to see family and friends, all the way from Wales.  I saw them briefly the other day, and planned for a night tonight.  Friend Keith (Hughson) also popped along too.  All lifelong friends since babies, so it's a must, even if we maybe got a little too close for a photo opportunity.  Great to see them, and to have friends along.  L-R - Tam, Ruth, Keith and Steven (me).  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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