Pints wi Paula

A chilly morning, but the sun soon came out, and a lovely warm afternoon and evening. 

Up early, packed up and headed for Aberdeen.  Met big Brian and Madeline off the boat for breakfast, and then they are off with the car and caravan.  Done some shopping, met friends Paula Sutherland and Kathrine Fullerton for lunch.  A couple of pints, and then off on the ferry to Shetland tonight.  Looks like a good sailing ahead.

It's not often I'm in the big city with Paula, usually see her when she's home, so it was a must to meet up this afternoon.  After lunch, we hit a couple of pubs for a dram and catchup.  As we sat outside this bar, we were under attack from wasps, so it was a must to move on.  L-R - Paula, peerie Brian and me.  Taken outside the The Kirkgate bar, Upper Kirkgate, Aberdeen.  

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