Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I've found my freedom...

Today seemed very busy. I walked to church for a service for the burial of ashes this morning, quite well attended in spite of the dreich weather. We were all suitably distanced and /or well masked in the church grounds.
Back home and a quick lunch before a Zoom meeting re our AGM which I hope is now well planned. A couple of emails to send out as a result. We've decided to plan now, for a Zoom meeting rather than a face to face, seems sensible somehow.
After that, some more time spent emailing and trying to work out the vagaries of buying Kindle books via an iPhone, for Colin. Without success.
After dinner we both struggled with a killer sudoku which continued to baffle us. I'm too tired to do them late at night.
Today's blip is my blueberry bush which is doing rather well. We've been feasting on beans from the garden recently, a daily pick for dinner. The courgettes have been doing well too. I do like this time of harvest.

Sad to hear today of two deaths from Covid, the first since mid July. Inevitable I suppose with the increase in cases recently, but still very sad.

Steps today 8500

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