
This morning was a bit of a rush getting kids ready for various places! Charlie slept over last night and except for Nate falling out of the bed all 3 were sharing, I think it went well!
Asha and I headed off to look after Tiago. He's such a lovely soul...Asha swam and coloured, and played with Tiago. Alessio and Elena had invited Danny and Nate to come join us and have lunch , so before them arriving Alessio taught Asha how to make pesto. She was verrry delighted. I was wondering if Nate would feel jealous seeing me holding another baby, but nope, not at all ha!! He was a big fan of Tiago's and kept bringing him various toys. 
Tonight we celebrated Claire's birthday early. Took a picnic to the rocky beach. Unfortunately OUR tree was taken literally seconds before we got to it, so we had to find another, see extra. Such a lovely evening with Claire, Joha, Graham and Isabel. We stayed chatting, eating and drinking until we needed torches to find our way back to the cars.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Alessio and Elena's kindness.
2) A wonderfully wonderful evening.
3) Claire - life here got better when I met her!

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