Happy birthday...

...to Ed! Funnily I woke up thinking about him and his Dad, and then Danny reminded me today was his birthday! Obviously we had to send him some cake via Just-Eat. Also had to send him this silly photo and a singing video. 
Tonight I took food to a friend who'd asked for a hot meal, but ended up being a no show...so 3 others got meals instead. We also took back clean washing...Ricky turned up with his arm in a cast and bruising around his neck. He got beaten up last night when 2 guys broke into his tent looking for things to steal. His arm is broken in 2 places. He was very emotional, understandably. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finding Claire a lovely piece of jewellery for her 60th from all of us Caña Clubbers.
2) Finding other friends to eat the meals.
3) Playing with velcro darts in the park with the kids at lunchtime.

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