Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Banana muffins

I spoke to the health visitor the other day about Toby's lack of fruit and veg consumption. He's a proper fuss pot and will only eat apples and potatoes and very recently clementines. She suggested hiding fruit and veg in things. I've already tried this with soups and sauces with little success. Lets see if these muffins appeal to his sweet tooth!

So how rubbish am I missing a day already this year?! Maybe I'll still try for my 364! Eva has been throwing in an extra feed at 5.30am the past few days. It's too early to get up properly but I find it very hard to get back to sleep afterwards so I've been really knackered in the evenings. Last night I intended to get the camera out between evas feeds but ended up falling asleep and waking up at 12.30am. Oh well!

Weekend has whizzed by again. Managed to ride yesterday and even jumped a tree trunk in the woods. Lime sped off on landing and I very nearly got swiped off by a low branch. It was too wet and cold to ride today so I spent an hour or so with lime whilst mr EG took Tobes and Eva for a walk in Braggy park, then we cooked a roast for James and Lynne this evening.

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