Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

We're going to the zoo!

Today turned out to be great but had all the promise of being one of those days. Zoe and Nick had some free tickets for Twycross zoo and invited me along. When they were 10mins away they realised they had forgotten the tickets, which were going to save us about £50 so they had to turn back. I managed to keep Tobes and Eva entertained in the car for an hour till they turned up (how?!).

Literally 2 mins after they arrived, Tobes did a face plant in the car park and was covered in horrible gritty mud which grazed his poor little nose. I had some spare trousers but not another coat so we cleaned him up as best as we could in the toilets and he was very very brave bless him. As we were looking the zoo round he tripped over a plastic gorillas foot and head butted a brick wall and then in the Orang-utan enclosure he bumped his head on a concrete shelf! Hopefully he still has some brain cells left.

Despite all this I think he enjoyed himself even if it was more about jumping in muddy puddles and trying to make a bid for freedom every 5 minutes than it was about the animals.

Eva had a very special moment with a chimp who was sat on a ledge pressed up to the glass. She had been crying so I'd got her out of the buggy and held her up to see the chimp. The chimp looked at her really intently with such beautiful gentle eyes and then patted his/her chest. It was a really incredible moment.

I'm not really a fan of zoos. They make me feel really sad but I guess they serve a purpose in conserving species that may otherwise become extinct and until we can afford to go on Safari its the closest my little ones will get to these amazing animals.

The photo is of Frankie,Nick and Phoenix. Not a great photo but this was the only opportunity I had to take a photo all day, what with running after Tobes and keeping the buggy moving for Eva! It kind of demonstrates the lengths you might have to go to looking after two little people anywhere in public on your own!

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