
By MerlotsDad


I'm having terrible trouble getting out of bed at the moment..

Id not been up long when Diana rang. She was running early could she come straight away. I said yes of course, I'm here. Diana has been my podiatrist for over 10 years now and she's the only person who can touch my feet without me jumping thru the ceiling.. My feet are so-o ticklish..

Not long after she finished it was time to go and see C,who was very pleased to see me today.. I was, according to her, 5 minutes late! I stayed 2 hours and she was calm and very relaxed today. I even managed to speak to her OT today who told me they were still waiting to hear about the Amersham rehab unit.

Home then by 4 falling asleep in the chair by 415. Cs washing is done and on the line ans I ought to get it in before the big storm hits.

Batten down the hatches everyone and stay safe.

I’ve been feeling out of salts lately and I've only recently realised what it is. I think I’m lonely ....


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