A grey day after yesterday's sunshine and a bit wrecked after all our gallivanting, we had a fairly leisurely morning then went for a wander around the back of Nelson towards the Grampians Hills. It's 20s/30s villa land here and there were several I spotted that would do nicely - even a few derelict ones such as this one, which still has certain charm (uh oh, I've just spotted the orange red mac!). Higher up is an area known as the Dress Circle, full of rather posh early houses. We enjoyed an excellent tea and custard tart amongst the splendour of Melrose House and then had a nosey around: Warwick House was wonderfully Gothic and quirky.
Staggering back down into the city, still marvelling at the trees and general botanical exuberance, we dropped in to see if we were in time for a film at the Suter Gallery where the Italian film festival is in full swing. Hordes came out of the Great Beauty, which we had seen, and 6 of us went in to see The Champion about an Italian footballer with anger management issues. It didn't sound promising but what a delight it turned out to be! 
Just back in our compact airbnb and Himself has rustled up some spaghetti on the two ringed device. Enough fun for one day.

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