Oh Deer.

A day of not getting much done. Faffing around tidying up, getting rid of some photographs, putting more into the  'For the charity shop box'. Taking a couple of picture frames back out of the 'For the charity shop box', forcing myself to put one of them back! Haven't made an appointment to drop it off yet, so let's see what actually goes?!

Decided to head out looking for something to photograph .... Jeez! Too many people and cars trying to park in local beauty spots. I'll be glad when the wet weather arrives and we have these places back to ourselves. I wonder where all these people have appeared from since lockdown. Did a 50 point turn and headed off to one of our dog walks, wanted to get some photos of the Red Kites, they were all rubbish, but I snapped these Deer on the hillside, I think it's a Venison farm. They were a long way off, but at least not on the other side of the hill.

This day 36 years ago I gave birth to daughter No 2. We should have been with Hayley today, but as she lives in the Greater Manchester area, it's not allowed. So, this morning we sang the customary 'Happy Birthday' to her. She'd got her phone on speaker mode. She thanked me for her present and I replied "You're welcome". In a nano second Emmeline asked "What does you're welcome mean?" That question from a 3 year old stopped me in my tracks. "It means I'm very happy to give a gift  to someone I care for Emmeline". Her reply ... "Will you be happy to give me my birthday present?" I want ........

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