The Wren

By TheWren

Memories of Yosemite

This one is really for Redflash as she asked if I would blip my watercolour rendition of a scene in Yosemite National Park where I visited last October with my son and daughter-in-law. On a dull dreich day here when I didn't take any other pictures it is a good day for this one especially as it brings lots of happy and warm memories flooding back as we sat on the beach and soaked in the atmosphere of the amazing granite hills and watched a group of youngsters play on the sand on the opposite banking. I totally fell in love with Yosemite and would love to go back one day.

In the meantime, back in the damp greyness, the fish are happily swimming in their old tank and I have now emptied and cleaned the existing tank in order to try and identify where the water has escaped from. Now the glass is really clean on the inside I can see a tell tale line on the outside of the glass from the rim down to the base - exactly where the water accumulated - and so I am now wondering if it really was something to do with condensation from the lid rather than a proper leak!! I will monitor it a bit more but at least the tank has had a thorough clean and my Sunday has been busy so all is not lost!

Snow had been forecast for here tonight and tomorrow morning but there is no sign of it just yet, merely cold rain, so here's hoping that is how it remains.

I hope your week-end was more fun filled than mine :-)

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