A time for everything

By turnx3

T.J. Evans trail

Wednesday August 19th

A change of scene for us today. With two dry sunny pleasant days in store, we did another overnight getaway to central Ohio, in the Granville area. This morning dawned unusually cool for an August morning - about 57F - our lows would usually be at least 10 degrees warmer than that. We were on the road by 9.30, and drove to Johnstown, the NW terminus of the T.J. Evans trail, a little under 2 hours. The trail skirts the small towns of Alexandria and Granville as it heads south east to Newark, a total of 14.5 miles. Much of the trail was shaded by a canopy of trees, and the rest passed fields of corn and soya beans and numerous farms. The cloud formations during the day were just beautiful, as you can see in my main photograph. We stopped in a lovely park area on the edge of Granville, where there several benches in the shade of a big tree, to eat our sandwiches and fruit. We didn’t quite finish the trail, but it was still a new record for the year for me, on my own bike, rather than the tandem, of 25 miles! By this time it was mid afternoon, and we drove into the charming town of Granville for a wander round, before checking in at our B&B a few miles out of Granville. If we’d had any concerns about social distancing, we needn’t have worried, as we were the only guests in the house, and the owners lived in an adjacent building. We enjoyed a glass of wine and some cheese outside in the sunshine, before returning to Granville for dinner - Mexican food tonight - and again eaten outdoors.

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