Rhedeg rhwng dau gastell
Rhedeg rhwng dau gastell ~ Running between two castles
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Heddiw cyflawnais i fy nod. Rydw i wedi estyn fy mhellter rhedeg fesul tipyn i geisio rhedeg mwy na hanner marathon - a heddiw roeddwn i lwyddiannus. Rhedais i i fyny'r Daith Taf i Gastell Coch, i lawr i Gastell Caerdydd ac i fyny eto i fynd adre. Yn y diwedd rhedais bron i 25 cilomedr. Rydw i'n hapus gyda hynny - does dim uchelgais gyda fi i redeg unrhyw pellteroedd mwy. Mae'n dda iawn i gael rhywfaint o syniad o beth sy'n bosibl. Roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddwn i'n creu'r 'amlygiad dwbl' hwn o fap o'r rhediad a chastell fel cofrodd - y tro cyntaf - a'r olaf o bosib - rhedais i fwy na hanner marathon.
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Today I achieved my goal. I've gradually increased my running distance to try and run more than half a marathon - and today I was successful. I ran up the Taff Trail to Castell Coch, down to Cardiff Castle and up again to go home. In the end I ran almost 25 kilometers. I'm happy with that - I have no ambition to run any greater distances. It's really good to have some idea of what is possible. I thought I would create this 'double exposure' of a map of the run and a castle as a souvenir - the first - and possibly the last - time I ran more than half a marathon.
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