
A walk, this lunchtime, which led to a sighting of the lesser spotted diligent meles in one of her habitats, followed by a sighting of two geezers, enjoying an early drink, but studiously ignoring each other as they sat looking at the river.

This evening, we watch Coup53, about the US/UK backed coup in Iran, which restored the Shah, in 1953. Very interesting, although the film, this article, and the letter from the producers of the 1985 film which also touched on these matters linked in the article all leave some questions open. What cannot be doubted is the interference of the US and UK in the internal affairs of another country and the possible consequences that this has had.

And I know that the content you've all come here for are my photographs of the naughty bits of flowers using my new macro lens, so I've stuck a few in the extras.

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