A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Tasty crop.

A dreadful wet morning but a bright and warm afternoon. We did go out but I forgot to take a camera or even my phone so no blip!

These are our first real crop of tomatoes. We had a couple before we went away and gave a couple to Eda to take to give to her Grampa Scotland. We’ve eaten a few and I have to say they are delicious. Don’t think we will have as many as usual this year but that not such a bad thing. 
The home grown cucumber is a gift from a neighbour and the second one she has kindly given us. Perfect combination.

Just heard that a pod of dolphins has been sighted in the channel between Tanera Mor (Summer Isles) and the mainland. Our exact view from the Bothan! Never mind good to know they were there.

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