Tiny Tuesday . . . Gum Nuts
I think these woody capsules are empty gum nuts. On Sunday I picked up a fallen twig from a Eucalyptus tree and it has these delicate capsules arranged along the twig. (see extra) I liked the high key making the leaf seem to be floating and almost not there.
The flowers came from Ann my gardening neighbour this morning. They were just what I needed as my son had just rung to say the baptism has been put off by order of the Bishop. Even though level two means a gathering of 100 people is allowed and wee Finn wouldn't be having that many people come to the church we can't change the decision. I think we will go to Wellington anyway because the hotel and ferry are booked already. Disappointing for everyone but just another example of how this year is not like any other.
Looking forward to seeing all the tiny things today and thank you Osuzanna for being our host.
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