Luggate Creek

One of the newer tracks for us is the one that runs from The Red Bridge, over the Clutha River, to Luggate.
Luggate is currently a pub with a tiny community around it and the grrreat thing about the pub is that I seem to be able to walk through the bar on the way to the Garden bar out the back and no one bothers about it. I have in fact in winter actually spent time in the bar and no one bothered about that either. It is my kind of pub.
Some years ago Luggate got it's very first subdivision development which it is still struggling to fill up and although sections are way cheaper than in Wanaka there are also other areas a lot closer at similar prices so you could say there is grrrreat grrrowth potential there.
When the first subdivision was proposed there was a joke going around that the folk in this community were considering a name change to Luggat? and in some areas that version has stuck.

Lightroom was used to tune this image. So is this "Processing"? I have to say I actually prefer not to use that term. It sounds like a packet of cheese or sandwich meat from the supermarket and I feel it cheapens the image and what the photographer may have done to it "Post Shutter". Yes I am a bit grumpy today. I got covered in burrs while The Boss was searching for this one and there was an extensive grooming session afterwards to clean me up...OK?

To make a point, the fact that the image opens on your computer at all, guarantees that it has been 'processed' by the computer. OK...

The Boss uses the term "Post Shutter Work" which he feels more closely represents the amount of choice and actual work that can go into changing the look and feel of an image. Post Shutter Work on yesterday's trees involved Lightroom, Photoshop and a painting program that The Boss was trying out.

What do you think? If you agree, how about spreading the PSW choice or have you a better suggestion?

OK....Good Dog... Have a ZZZ now, you will feel much better in the morning...

The Boss.

Oh..He's fallen in the water (The Goons)

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