
Oof. This weather. The afa. The clawing humidity. And the tafani (horseflies). After watering this morning and eating a homegrown melon - they ripened all at once- I got in the car and drove the tiny climbing road to the Pratomagno - a huge forested block of the Apennines that forms one side of the Casentino.

Up and up to 1470m on gravel roads at the end. And then a good climb onto the ridge. Right at the top avoiding the horseflies as much as possible these horses. The wether horse wore a bell.

Extra of the ridge. At the top a monument to a hero of Australian aviation who crashed here trying to break the London Sydney record. Another extra.

The rest of the day was troglodytic. Made myself homemade burgers and fried potatoes and watched Primary Colours before dozing off. Kept the shutters tight closed.

We need a storm to clear the afa. But nothing in sight.

I know people drive half way across Europe to experience this. But a week’s ok. By the time you’ve counted your mosquito bites and lost three nights of sleep marvelling at the heat and singing crickets it’s time to drive all the way home with a car full of memories, cheap wine and discounted Parmigian.

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