Ideal for Head

Today's the day …………………….. to cut your hair

Will has just bought a very flashy-looking cord/cordless hair clipper - apparently 'the brand used by Professionals'.

I suppose it all started in lockdown, when going to the barbers was no longer an option.  He had a go himself using his own clipper and although it took for ever because it was really only meant to keep a beard trim, the end result was alright.  Well, at least, it was after a week or so!  It was more traumatic for me to see him with various stages of a Mohican because the charge had run out at a crucial time.

So now that he can go back again to the hairdresser, he has decided to keep going himself.  But he needs the right tool for the job and this is it hopefully.  As it says in the blurb - 'the finer the teeth, the finer the quality ……………………...'   

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