Jack the "Blipper"

By jackjack


A cause for celebration when Scotland win at Rugby.............. Come to think about it, when they win at any sport!
Well done guys, big pat on back or perhaps a hug. A good day at work helping behind the scenes at the rugby.
Some of you may not be aware that this Monday is International Hug a Tall Person. As a tall person I am making myself available for hugs at the cost of a mere quid. All monies donated will go to SIMBA charity who support parents who have suffered the trauma of miscarriage or a stillbirth.

I had the good fortune to bump into Grant Stott from Radio Forth at the rugby and it just so happens he is one of the patrons of SIMBA. We exchanged hugs and he donated my 1st pound!

I then had the misfortune to walk backwards and almost shoulder charge former Scottish captainChris Patterson MBE much to everyone's hilarity. My face was red....................All in a days work

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