Jack the "Blipper"

By jackjack

Arthur's Seat

Thankfully, an EXTINCT volcano!

Today was a grey day weather wise thus I thought it best to present this photo in black and white.

Day off involved cycling (fast to keep warm) to the PO to pick up the latest additions to my whisky collection.
1. Dalmore Mackenzie, distilled in 1992
2. Dalmore Castle Leod, vintage 1995
3. Dalmore Cromartie, distilled in 1996

The fourth is still to be released but here's hoping together they will be a good investment.
Trip to the hairdressers was fairly bright, the girls fake bake was like she'd guzzled a crate of Irn Bru. She was positively glowing. The look on her face was priceless when she asked the invitable question "Going somewhere nice tonight?".............
To which I replied, "Football training!!"

Feet up now and maybe I'll pour a wee dram

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