Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Monday —

Made some memories on this Monday with Mr. Fun. This photo is

Date night — magical Monday evening

The other things we did were and photos that aren’t included here are:

Drove out Old Creek Road this afternoon to see the water level at Whale Rock Reservoir

After our lovely dinner at the Galley Restaurant, we drove north from Morro Bay and under the thick overcast saw sunlight on the distant hills.

We looked north from south Cayucos and could see Point Estero and Point Cayucos — both were visible.

In north Cayucos, we looked south at sundown to see the pier lit-up and the windows of the houses in south Cayucos sparkling bright. They were blinding us!

Okay! That’s enough foolishness from me for this day. But I’ve got to record that the dinner was delicious and YES I had dessert; why? because restaurants like this one make the best sweet stuff. The hard sugar crust on the creme brûlée was still warm from the flame. We spent way too much money and had more than enough fun to transform any mundane Monday to a magical moment.

Good night from Cayucos on the Central Coast of California.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too

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