The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Arlo is growing fast! I don't recall if he is like Riley Roo was when he was a tiddler but he is a chilled out little man now. We met at The Bridge Coffee House and sat on the top floor - it was like a sauna! I had done my intervals session but managed to avoid cake icing and stick to the green tea. Riley had a smarties cookie and has the same obsession with smarties that I have with icing! Good man!

Had my hair lopped off and did my food shop, not home to FaceTime you but I can't get through. Damn it! I'm off the walk the whining hounds as they are doing my head in. Then, well, I have some tonic water for a gin and tonic and I might nip to the shops and buy a little bag of kettle chips. I don't deserve it but I fancy a treat.

Hope to catch up with you in the morning. Love you.x

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