The rest of forever...

By DrMac

New Signs!

I was really chuffed when I drove home and saw the signs tonight. We ran a competition at the local Primary School to design a picture for each of the four parishes and then we sat at the Parish Council meeting last June and picked the winners. It has taken this long for them to be made but I really think it is worth it. Each village has their own sign (only at one end though, not enough cash for two!) and the kids will be made up when they see them!

Great day - starting in the gym, moving bigger weights around than I thought possible. Quality work completed at school, got my monstrous appetite for work back and got it done in record time. Home relatively early after whole school detention, managed to walk the girls then hoover, wash floors, dust, put washing on, clean and stoke fire, put washing away, pack tomorrow's post-workout food, write to Grandad, Bex and Q, shower and dress and pack my gym bag for tomorrow...then sit down to some salmon and spinach by 7.30pm! I'm flying!

Now I have a small glass of wine and I'm going to read the TES and be tucked up by 9pm. I've worked out that if I put the electric under blanket on really low, the warmth keeps me asleep all night. It's bliss and I don't feel anywhere near as tired as I did at the start of the week. Phew!! Speak to you tomorrow morning on FaceTime, I'll be out to walk the girls at half six so will call you when I get back!xx

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