An Evening Visitor

A lovely warm day, but mostly cloudy.  There was a lovely sunset this evening.  Sunset is now 9.15pm, and getting dark about 10pm.  

I've been working in the museum all day.  We've had a fairly busy day of visitors, mostly tourists from UK and Europe.  Some walkies with Sammy this evening, but mostly lazy, watching telly.  There has been a new Coronavirus case for NHS Shetland.  The person's home address is in Shetland, but currently not here, and isolating South on the mainland.  Hope they get well soon.

It's not just visiting tourists I've seen today, this lovely hedgehog popped by my garden this evening.  She was a little scared at first, but when I crept down, she soon got on her way again.  She headed into my Hawthorn tree, looking for things to eat.  Wonder if she would eat those horrid flatworms? I'm still finding the odd one now and again.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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