
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Another trip to feed LuluCat today. I don't know if she's getting used to me, or if she just can't be arsed. Basically when I walked through the door, she did a big yawn and settled back down to sleep.

I tried some kitty-talk on her. It was at this point that she got bored and walked off. 

Well JASPER likes it. 

Afterward I walked to the supermarket to pick up groceries. Joshua came over in the evening and I made tea for the three of us. We have developed a tradition of watching The Big Action Movie when we are all together, so tonight it was "The Rock" with Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery. 

What a classic. I love a bit of Nicolas Cage.

In Caro news, today is the first day of a two week holiday for her! She has been inundated with candidates wanting to come to New Zealand, ever since the start of the Coronavirus thing. So about a week ago she announced "f*** it, I need a break". And that was that!

She doesn't have major plans for the next two weeks, other than a spot of shopping and "some pottering". She says this with a great degree of relish. 

Caro told her mates at her company and she got a bit of envy. "Awwww... oi'm well-jel," said Nadia from Essex. 

"You've just come back from FOUR MONTHS FURLOUGH!" exclaimed Caro.

"F***ing exactly!" said Nadia. "I've just come BACK! It's f***ing rubbish!"

So Caro has been smiling about the house all day. And napping. Lots of napping too. I just have this effect on LuluCat and CaroPerson.


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