welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Day One

Back in Croatia (again x4)!!!! Checked in and walked to our villas, they’re very nice and much roomier than the hotel. We have a gorgeous view (photographed) and since we have adjoining rooms we have a double sized balcony. Went to have lunch in the ‘outside lobby’ - Joe&Mumma had schnitzel, Heidi&I had pizza and Dad had a fish pasta dish. We were all very pleased! Us kids headed to the beach which was really peaceful and pretty empty. We played about in the sea for a bit before Dom, Nina and Ana Maria came to visit on their day off. They came running to see us and we spent the rest of the afternoon together swimming in the sea to the little island, playing catch, throwing jellyfish at each other and climbing rocks. Headed back to get ready for dinner - we had a lovely meal and lots of ice cream. Dad&Joe then headed to the mainland for some drinks and snacks, whilst us girls went to watch/dance/sing for the end of the Mini Disco. Spent an hour or so on the outside lobby listening to jazz music including songs by Clive Richards, Popsicle Toes and Illegal Aliens. So far a fab holiday!

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