A Mootie Reunion

A stunning day again, warm and sunny, a tad breezy. 

A day working in the museum.  The bomb disposal squad turned up first thing, and took away the discovered ammo from yesterday.  A few bookings didn't show today, so it was very quiet.  A quiet night so far, some walkies with Sammy, and possibly a pint later.

Today was meant to be our 40th class reunion get together, cancelled due to Covid-19.  Joanne, Emma and Claire still came home for a holiday, and a few met up at the beach today.  I popped down after work for a quick catchup.  Hopefully we'll get a proper night next year.  L-R - Wendy, Mags, Ana Emma Clare, me, Claire and Joanne.  Taken at St Ninian's Isle.  

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