Can't be good at everything
The Tesco's complete white crusty loaf mix processed in the bread mixer was a disaster (probably should'nt have opened the lid part way through the process).
Dropped off beans & courgettes to my chipped bark supplier, left runner beans at the Chudleigh Community Fridge, which from now on will be known as CCF. Picked up a throw out sliced loaf (bird food). Ordered some fresh yeast from a bakery that attends the 2 food market days in the town. 200grm £2. I thought that was very reasonable, will pick that up on Saturday morning.
Back to base .. to discover bread disaster. Hey ho!! Then carried on with piccalilli production, & decided to scrabble together my own oriental spiced sauce recipe for the windfall plums & apples, adding a Thai Noodle soup set ( a mix of spices & herbs in 1 packet), no idea what the mix is but it cant hurt. Must try and get a Thai friend to translate just so I know for the future. The kitchen smelled delicious .. hubby not impressed. LOL!!! I ignore him, he makes the same complaint when I'm boiling up the spices & vinegar for his pickled onions. No pain, no gain!
The gladioli that I grew are still looking good although I've had to cut the stems a couple of times now as the bottom blooms die. Still not a fan of them. I notice that Dave who grows them to enter the local show does'nt even cut his .. they are gradually going over up on the plot. I've only got 3 stems left to cut now, then the row is finished til next year.
A back blip.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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