... an Antioxidant Superfood
"Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory." Info courtesy of of I picked these today from my 3 plants, that went into the allotment late last year. They've paid for themselves already with what I've picked up to now based on supermarket prices. The question is ... Do I want to share them? I don't think my husband would like them even if I offered, so they will be enhancing my breakfast bowl.
He has been diagnosed with Polymyalgia, so now we have a diagnosis & can hopefully move forward. Unfortunately his glass is always half empty these days which I find difficult to deal with. I'm so positive & upbeat that it makes me want to scream sometimes. He's started smoking again, more than he lets on, but I can tell because his cough has come back. ARGH!!!!
Did some deadheading and tidying in the garden at home this morning before taking mum to do her grocery shop. We always catch up with a Danish pastry & coffee when we get back to her home. Did a couple of little jobs for her then back to Chudders, made lunch for hubby before disappearing out into the garden. Got all the composting material from the kitchen waste, & prunings, plus mown grass cuttings ready to load up the car on my return from breast clamping in Bovey Tracey carpark. I mean breast scan obviously. I was patient 68, & should have been the last but someone turned up late for their appointment so one more after me.
Back to Chudders loaded up with rubbish plus winged bean/asparagus pea, & second batch of 'Kelvedon Wonder' pea plants. Hope this batch are more productive than the last .. Need to get my act together re manuring etc. before next year as I think that maybe why the first batch did'nt give much. Prepared the ground for the peas, replaced the mesh netting with wire mesh securing with wooden stakes, got the "normal" peas in but ran out of blood, fish,& bonemeal. Asapragus peas will have to wait til tomorrow. Picked a load of runner beans, a humungous courgette, how I missed it 3 days ago I'm not sure., plus 3 others, & this punnet of blueberries. Had a visit from Cassiesmum, we discussed our recent Blips and my Ikea retail experience of yesterday. She does'nt like courgettes so had to settle for a couple of feeds of runner beans. I was late leaving with still plenty to do so will be back up tomorrow morning early. The forecast is dry .. so everything will need a good watering, & a feed where required.
Dinner tonight was courtesy of Tom, the landlord of The Ship Inn. He gave hubby two bags of freshly caught but frozen fish last evening. 1 large flounder?, & 4 lemon sole. We had the lemon sole tonight. Dishes done, I sat on the floor & prepared the runner beans for the freezer.
Now it's time for bed & some reading.
Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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